18 Things to Remember in 2018

Four years ago, in winter break of my first year of university, I was at a party with my high school friends, having a wonderful night when it abruptly hit me that I had to go back to school in just several days. The dread brought about a wave of anxiety that left me sobbing my eyes out in a room upstairs for the remainder of the evening. It was not a good winter, and though I’ve thankfully gotten better mental-health-wise since, there’s still much room for improvement. In honour of the new year, a time for reflection, here’s what I would’ve told myself four years ago on that night and what I can still benefit from keeping in mind now.


1. Don’t try to act all proud and stoic. Reach out to your loved ones and ask for help when you need to.

2. Go ahead and pursue English literature and creative writing. You know you’ve wanted to since grade six.

3. Winter sucks, but the days are already getting longer.

4. Find wintry things to take pleasure in: hot baths, fluffy blankets, warm drinks, and scarves.

5. Even if you can’t see your skills developing, trust that they are, and that you and others will notice and appreciate them in time.

6. Nothing is the be-all and end-all.

7. Your dearest friends will always be there.

8. You’re still so young.

9. Rejection can be a blessing in disguise.

10. Sleep early.

11. People you love and trust, who have what’s best for you at heart, aren’t always good company. It’s okay to distance yourself for however long you need and maybe come back to them when you’re ready.

12. Find more ways to have adventures within your means.

13. It’s okay to feel jealous. Confide in people who will support you and then take your time to feel better.

14. Exercise, but in ways that work for you — which may not be running, or cycling, or any of the activities that your peers may enjoy.

15. Pay close attention to your relationship with social media. Adjust as needed to make your experience healthy.

16. Make an effort for people, and not just those you love.

17. Stop when you feel like it.

18. Pay attention to the good.