30 Things High School Taught Me
1. Your parents are not always right.
2. Love is never a flawless fairy-tale, but there are fairy-tale moments that make it worthwhile.
3. Don’t follow your heart without taking your brain with you.
4. Focus on yourself and your happiness first and foremost.
Photo: Sadia Awan
5. There is never a perfect time for anything.
6. Good things — and people — come along when you’re not looking.
7. It’s better to have a few great friends than many casual acquaintances.
8. Time heals miraculously well.
9. Keep busy.
10. Don’t feel the need to always follow through. You don’t owe anyone anything.
11. The best relationships help each other grow.
12. Every good person strives to be a “Hufflepuff” — humble, honest, hard-working, loyal.
13. Only regret what you didn’t appreciate.
14. Alone isn’t always lonely.
15. You can do better than microwave dinners.
16. Balance is everything.
17. Sometimes the one you want is not the one who is good for you.
18. Being single means having more time to succeed in personal growth.
Photo: Sadia Awan
19. Take time and make the effort to get to know and love yourself. Do what it takes to feel beautiful and confident.
20. Extroverts do have it easier and popularity is not a myth.
21. To be popular, you have to be willing to step on a few people on the way up.
22. Just because someone acts flirty or sweet does not mean they’re interested in a relationship.
23. Art — music and books especially — can change moods.
24. Physical health affects attitude and happiness.
Photo: Brennan Jackson
25. The good memories are the ones that kill.
26. Hard work may not get you everywhere, but passion will.
27. Spending more on one good purchase is better than less on a few mediocre ones.
28. Don’t settle.
29. It’s okay to enjoy the simple silly things.
30. You will miss moments you never expected to miss.